Products for the Wire and Cable Industry

WireTrex Ltd. with headquarters in Essen, Germany, is an enterprise with worldwide business connections that develops and supplies products and solutions for the wire and cable industries as well as for the rope and textile industries. A particular strength of WireTrex is the fast development of customized solutions even in smaller quantities. We not only consider ourselves suppliers of standard products but partners of our customers for innovative solutions. (more)

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 Coated components of remarkable quality
 Contact elements for annealers
Bunching Bows

Bows for bunchers, double twist bunchers and stranders can be supplied in different materials like carbon fiber, Kevlar, fiberglass, steel and spring steel. Aside from general dimensions or machine models we would ask for specific details of the bow ends as shown in the example below.

Do you have individual requirements or ideas? We also provide spare and wear parts, i.e. wear strips and ceramic bow guides. Ceramic guides are also available in closed shape. In our extensive inventory you will find the correct bows for your Niehoff, Lesmo, Sket, Kinrei, SAMP or Setic bunchers and stranders.

Despite the fact that our bows are manufactured individually, we can offer short turn around times for most bows.
